The Neuroscience Undergraduate Advising Office is dedicated to helping students navigate and complete the undergraduate program by matching students' personal strengths and interests with pathways within the neuroscience curriculum and the university as a whole. Our advising services include: career development in neuroscience and related fields, internship and research opportunity discoveries, graduate school preparation, neuroscience degree planning, evaluating transfer credit, and neuroscience major/minor declaration sessions. At the bottom of this page is the list of Neuroscience Academic Advisors.
SP25 Options for Meeting with an Advisor
Spring Scheduling Drop-In Hours
**Jan 8th and Jan 10th**
9:00am to 3:00pm
Drop-in Hours will be held in room 10 of Townshend Hall
In-Person and Zoom Options
**Jan 6th to May 2nd**
Monday through Friday
9:00AM to 4:00PM
In-Person will be held in room 10 of Townshend Hall
Drop-In Hours
9:00AM to 3:00PM
Drop-in hours are quick meetings with an advisor lasting 5 minutes or less.
Appropriate uses for walk-ins are but are not limited to general questions about the major, neuroscience classes, honors contracts, or other forms of signatures.
Specific advisors cannot be met with on request.
Drop-in Hours will be held in room 10 of Townshend Hall
Scheduled Appointment:
A scheduled appointment will allow you a half hour or hour time-slot with your advisor to discuss things that cannot be taken care of at drop-ins such as graduation plans, degree planning, and mock interviews. Appointments should be made online by clicking the button below.

*If scheduling via the link above is unavailable, please call 614-292-8512 to schedule an appointment. If taken to voicemail, leave your first name, last name, email address, your phone number, and a few days and times when you are available.
If you have any question or need help deciding which option is best for you, please give and email with your questions.