Classes are listed with their semester number. The projected semesters in which the courses may be offered are also provided. Note that neuroscience majors are expected to complete Psych 3313 and Neuro 3000 prior to taking their specialization courses. In all, neuroscience majors take 4 core classes, 1 data analysis course, 5 courses within their specialization and 2 courses outside of their specialization (breadth).
Many classes have a sample syllabus for the course. This syllabus is not a guarantee of the course material, so you should contact the instructor for the most up-to-date information.
Core Classes | Data Analysis Classes | Track & Breadth Classes | Cellular & Molecular Classes | Behavioral & Systems Classes | Cognitive & Computational | Graduate Level
I. Core Classes
Psychology 3313: Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience
Autumn, Spring, & Summer Semester
Prerequisite/Corequisite(s): Psychology 1100
Class for the Neuroscience Major
Sample Syllabus
Introduction to the structure and function of the nervous system in relation to behavior.
Psychology 3513: Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience
Autumn & Spring Semester
Prerequisite(s): Psychology 1100
Class for the Neuroscience Major
Examination of the neuroscientific approach to the study of cognition; primary focus on the psychobiology of memory, attention, language, and spatial orientation.
Neuroscience 3000: Introduction to Molecular/Cellular Neuroscience
Autumn & Spring Semester
Prerequisite(s): Biology 1113. Psychology 3313 recommended.
Class for the Neuroscience Major
Introductory course covering organization and function of the nervous system at a level understandable to science and non science majors.
Neuroscience 3050: Structure and Function of the Nervous System
Autumn & Spring Semester
Prerequisite(s): Biology 1113 & Neuroscience 3000
Class for the Neuroscience Major
Basic principles of the anatomical and neurophysiological organization of the nervous system.
II. Data Analysis Classes
Psychology 2220: Introduction to Data Analysis in Psychology
Summer, Autumn, & Spring Semester
Prerequisite(s): Psychology 1100 and Math 1148
Honors class available.
Class for the Neuroscience Major
Sample Syllabus or Sample Honors Syllabus
Introduction to statistical analysis of psychological data; random samples, graphical and numerical techniques of descriptive statistics, correlation, regression, probability, sampling distribution, and hypothesis testing.
Statistics 2480: Statistics for Life Sciences
Spring Semester
Prerequisite(s): Math 1151
Class for the Neuroscience Major
Calculus-based introduction to the statistical analysis of biological data, including probability, common discrete and continuous distributions, experimental design, and hypothesis testing.
Statistics 2450: Introduction to Statistical Analysis
Autumn Semester
Prerequisite(s): Math 1151
Class for the Neuroscience Major
Calculus-based introduction to the statistical analysis of biological data, including probability, common discrete and continuous distributions, experimental design, and hypothesis testing.
Molecular Genetics 5650: Analysis & Interpretation of Biological Data I
Autumn Semester
Prerequisite(s): Math 1150 and 10hrs of 3000-level or higher Biological Sciences
Class for the Neuroscience Major
Methods of analyzing biological data including: sampling, descriptive statistics, distributions, analysis of variance, inference, regression, and correlation. Emphasizes practical applications of statistics in the biological sciences.
3010: Neurophysiology
Autumn Semester
Prerequisite(s): Neuroscience 3000
Class for the Neuroscience Major
The course will discuss basic principles of neurophysiology working from the level of the ion channel to the whole system.
Neuroscience 4050H: Neurogenetics
Autumn Semester
Prerequisite(s): Neuroscience 3000
Class for the Neuroscience Major
This course is about gene discovery in neuroscience. Spans classic mutagenesis and gene mapping studies in simple invertebrate systems to the mapping and identification of brain disease genes in humans. Explores 1) the genetics of neurological, developmental and psychiatric diseases (e.g., Huntingtons, Alzheimers, autism, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder), 2) animal models of these diseases including drug/gene therapy, and 3) unique genetic systems and studies such as the Stanford dog narcolepsy project. Key concepts: linkage, gene mapping using DNA polymorphisms, and GWAS.
Neuroscience 4100: Basic and Clinical Foundations of Neurological Disease
Autumn Semester
Prerequisite(s): Neuroscience 3000
Class for the Neuroscience Major
Discusses basic and clinical issues related to a variety of neurological disease.
Psychology 4305: Introduction to Psychopharmacology
Spring Semester
Prerequisite(s): Psychology 3313
Class for the Neuroscience Major
Not open to students with credit for Psych 3305.
Introduction to the psychology and biology of licit and illicit psychoactive drug use. Formerly Drugs and Behavior (Psych 3305). Students who have already taken Psych 3305 may still count it toward a major in neuroscience.
Math 4350: Quantitative Neuroscience
Spring Semester
Prerequisite(s): Math 1151 & 1152
Class for the Neuroscience Major
Introduction to mathematical modeling and computational analysis of neuronal systems, Hodgkin-Huxley model, dynamical systems methods, neuronal networks, models for neurological disease.
Psychology 4501: Advanced Behavioral Neuroscience
Spring Semester 2014, 2015
Prerequisite(s): Psychology 3313
Class for the Neuroscience Major
Advanced discussion of contemporary issues in psychobiology, including: synaptic pharmacology, drugs, and behavior, neurodegenerative diseases and the biological bases of psychopathology.
Neuroscience 4623: Biological Clocks & Behavior
Spring Semester
Prerequisite(s): Psychology 3313
Class for the Neuroscience Major
Biological rhythms of animals and humans, including ultradian, daily, lunar, tidal and annual cycles; role of nervous and endocrine systems in relation to behavioral rhythms.
Molecular Genetics 4500: General Genetics
Summer, Autumn & Spring Semester
Prerequisite(s): Biology 1113 plus 3 additional hours of Biology
Recommended for pre-health students.
Honors/Embedded class available.
Class for the Neuroscience Major
The principles of genetics, including molecular genetics, transmission genetics of prokaryotes and eukaryotes, developmental and non-chromosomal genetics, and the genetics and evolution of populations.
Biochemistry 4511: Introduction to Biological Chemistry
Summer, Autumn & Spring Semester
Prerequisite(s): Chemistry 1210/1220 + 2510
Recommended for pre-health & pre-grad students.
Class for the Neuroscience Major
An introductory course in biochemistry dealing with the molecular basis of structure and metabolism of plants, animals, and microorganisms.
Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology 4550: Neurobiology of Behavior
Autumn Semester
Prerequisite(s): 2 Biological Science Courses
Class for the Neuroscience Major
Introduction to the field referred to as neuroethology or behavioral neurobiology. As a distinct scientific discipline this field has emerged relatively recently from a combination of ethology (the study of animal behavior in an adaptive context), and neurobiology (the study of nervous systems).
Psychology 4644: Hormones & Behavior
Spring Semester
Prerequisite(s): Psychology 3313
Class for the Neuroscience Major
Not open to students with credit for Neuroscience 5644.
Exploration of the interactions among hormones, brain, and behavior through an integrative approach.
Electrical & Computer Engineering 5194: Neuroengineering & Neuroprosthetics
Autumn Semester
Prerequisite(s): ECE 3050 or Neuro 3010 or BME 3703 recommended for interested Honors students.
Class for the Neuroscience Major
This course covers from basic neurophysiology and computational neuronal models to advanced neural interfaces and prostheses currently being actively developed in the field.
Computer Science & Engineering 5526: Introduction to Neural Networks
Autumn Semester
Prerequisite(s): CSE 3521
Class for the Neuroscience Major
Survey of fundamental methods and techniques of neural networks; single- and multi-layer perceptrons; radial-basis function networks; support vector machines; recurrent networks; supervised and unsupervised learning.
Computer Science & Engineering 5539: Intermediate Studies in Artificial Intelligence
Autumn & Spring Semester
Undergraduate/Graduate Level: Requires permission of instructor.
Class for the Neuroscience Major
Intermediate-level topics in artificial intelligence.
Psychology 5600: Psychobiology of Learning & Memory
Autumn Semester
Prerequisite(s): Psychology 3313
Class for the Neuroscience Major
The study of principles which underlie the discovery, fixation, and retention of behavior; emphasis on theoretical formulation of the conditions necessary for learning and remembering.
Psychology 5602: Behavioral Genetics
Spring Semester
Prerequisite(s): Psychology 3313
Class for the Neuroscience Major
Psych 5602 Sample Syllabus.pdf
Examines the role of genetics in animal (including human) behavior. Highly interdisciplinary, this course draws upon fields of biology, genetics, epigenetics, ethology, psychology and statistics. The goal is to provide knowledge concerning the interrelationship of genetics & behavior and its implications for health & human development and education.
Discusses basic and clinical issues related to a variety of neurological disease.
Psychology 5606: High Level Vision
Spring Semester
Prerequisite(s): Neuro Major
Class for the Neuroscience Major
Visual perception of solid shape, models of object recognition, perception of self-motion and of action.
Psychology 5608: Introduction to Mathematical Psychology
Autumn Semester
Prerequisite(s): Psychology 3321 or equivalent statistics class
Class for the Neuroscience Major
Survey of current topics in mathematical psychology; topics include measurement theory, scaling, utility theory, subjective probability, decision making in uncertain situations, choice theory.
Psychology 5609: Introduction to Mathematical Models in Experimental Psychology
Autumn Semester
Prerequisite(s): Psychology 5608
Class for the Neuroscience Major
A survey of mathematical models and theories in important areas of experimental psychology; models of perceptual and cognitive processes, memory, and learning.
Psychology/CSE/Linguistics/Philosophy 5612: Introduction to Cognitive Science
Autumn Semester
Prerequisite(s): 12hrs in Psychology, CSE, Linguistics, or Philosophy, or Permission of Instructor.
Class for the Neuroscience Major
Cognitive science is an interdisciplinary study of the nature of human thought; psychological, philosophical, linguistic, and artificial intelligence approaches to knowledge representation.
Psychology 5613H: Biological Psychiatry
Spring Semester 2016
Prerequisite(s): Psychology 4501
Class for the Neuroscience Major
Provides a contemporary overview of the biological bases of several significant psychopathologies, including: mood disorders, schizophrenia, and PTSD/dissociative identity disorders.
Psychology 5614: Cognitive Neuroscience
Autumn Semester TBA
Prerequisite(s): Psychology 3313 or 3513.
Class for the Neuroscience Major
Neuronal mechanisms of information processing.
Psychology 5618: Introduction to Computational Cognitive Neuroscience
Semesters TBA
Prerequisite(s): Permission of Instructor. Psychology 5612 recommended.
Class for the Neuroscience Major
Neuroscience 4640: Neuronal Signal Transduction
Autumn Semester
Prerequisite(s): Neuro 3000
Class for the Neuroscience Major
Focus on the fundamental intracellular signaling events and transcriptional control mechanisms that shape CNS physiology and pathophysiology.
Speech & Hearing Sciences 5760: Neurology of Speech & Hearing Mechanisms
Spring Semester
Undergraduate/Graduate Level: Requires permission of instructor.
Recommended for interested Honors students.
Class for the Neuroscience Major
Structure and function of the central and peripheral nervous systems as they relate to speech and hearing.
Biologically plausible models of perception, memory, language, and high-level cognition. Hands-on exercises with a state-of-the-art neural network simulator. Interdisciplinary emphasis.
Neuroscience 5790H: Developmental Neuroscience
Spring Semester
Prerequisite(s): Neuroscience 3000 & 3050
Class for the Neuroscience Major
The class takes a molecular and cellular approach to understanding how the nervous system develops. Topics include neuronal cell fate specification, cellular patterning, axon guidance, synapse development and circuit formation. Information will be from a suggested text, but will mostly be based on research literature. Students will also get the opportunity to read, discuss and present a research article.
Psychology 5898: Seminar in Behavioral Neuroscience
Odd Year Spring Semester
Prerequisite(s): Psychology 4501
Graduate Level: Requires permission of instructor and permission of graduate school.
Recommended for interested Honors students.
Class for the Neuroscience Major
IIIb. Breadth-Only Courses
These courses can count as breadth for any specialization.
Neuroscience 4850: Contemporary Topics in Neuroscience
Semester TBA
Prerequisite(s): Psychology 3313 & Neuroscience 3000
Class for the Neuroscience Major
Neuroscience 4850 Contemporary Topics in Neuroscience Syllabus (1) (1).pdf
IV. Graduate Level Courses
These courses can count for either specialization or breadth requirements.
Neuroscience 7050: Neurobiology of Disease
Spring Semester
Graduate Level: Requires permission of instructor and permission of graduate school.
Recommended for interested Honors students.
Class for the Neuroscience Major
Neurobiology of Disease will explore the basis of major diseases affecting the nervous system.
Molecular Virology & Immunology 7500: Neuroimmunology
Odd Year Spring Semester
Graduate Level: Requires permission of instructor and permission of graduate school.
Recommended for interested Honors students.
Class for the Neuroscience Major
Research and clinical applications of inflammatory processes within the central nervous system with special emphasis on neurodegenerative disorders, autoimmune disease and neurotrauma (e.g., spinal injury).
Neuroscience 7001: Foundations of Neuroscience I
Fall Semester
Graduate Level: Requires permission of instructor and permission of graduate school.
Recommended for interested Honors students.
Class for the Neuroscience Major
This course will discuss basic principles of the cellular, molecular, and neurophysiological organization of the nervous system.
Neuroscience 7002: Foundations of Neuroscience II
Spring Semester
Graduate Level: Requires permission of instructor and permission of graduate school.
Recommended for interested Honors students.
Class for the Neuroscience Major
This course will discuss basic principles of the cellular, molecular, and neurophysiological organization of the nervous system.
Neuroscience 7900: Developmental Neurobiology
Spring Semester, offered infrequently
Graduate Level: Requires permission of instructor and permission of graduate school.
Recommended for interested Honors students.
Class for the Neuroscience Major
Interdisciplinary approach to the development of neural cells and the formation and maturation of vertebrate and invertebrate nervous systems.
Psychology 6806: Neurobiology of Learning & Memory
Spring Semester, offered infrequently
Graduate Level: Requires permission of instructor and permission of graduate school.
Recommended for interested Honors students.
Class for the Neuroscience Major
Integrate coverage of animal learning and human memory, focusing on three key components of the field: behavioral processes, brain systems, and clinical perspectives.
Psychology 6807: Neuropsychopharmacology
Spring Semester, offered infrequently
Graduate Level: Requires permission of instructor and permission of graduate school.
Recommended for interested Honors students.
Class for the Neuroscience Major
The use of pharmacological agents to influence brain function, slow brain aging and induce recovery of function.
Electrical & Computer Engineering 5194: Neuroengineering & Neuroprosthetics
Autumn Semester, offered infrequently
Prerequisite(s): ECE 3050 or Neuro 3010 or BME 3703 recommended for interested Honors students.
Class for the Neuroscience Major
This course gives an overview of the broad field of Neuroengineering for graduate and senior undergraduate students with engineering or neuroscience backgrounds. Focusing on neural interfaces and prostheses, this course covers from basic neurophysiology and computational neuronal models to advanced neural interfaces and prostheses currently being actively developed in the field.Back to top of page