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The Neuroscience Major hopes to bring the discipline of neuroscience directly to elementary, middle and high schools (in the Great Lakes region), particularly to those who serve under-represented populations in the sciences. This program will allow students and the university to transform our scientific knowledge into a force for service.

The I-CAN initiative will provide field trips, lab demonstrations, speakers, and other events that will aim to acquaint these potential scientific scholars with the many fascinating opportunities that await their investigation as neuroscientists. Beginning with a pilot program in one or two anchor schools, we envision the I-CAN initiative eventually working with schools all over central Ohio.

This program will aid in fostering a sense of efficacy when these students encounter the sciences. This endeavor will also afford our current undergraduate majors the opportunity to lead and become influential teachers, as well as provide our students with much needed internship and volunteer opportunities.

If you would like your school to become a part of our pilot program, please have a teacher or principal complete the form below.

Personal Information
School Information
Grade Levels Included
Check all that apply
Preferred Presentation Topics
Select any that apply