The process of choosing a college and major can be difficult, particularly for the high-achieving students who are accepted to The Ohio State University! To help facilitate the process, students admitted to OSU with an interest in the Neuroscience Undergraduate Signature Program are invited to attend a Neuroscience Open House.
By attending this in-person Open House, you will have the opportunity to meet other Applied Buckeyes, ask questions of your Personal Academic Advisor, talk to Current Neuroscience Students, and learn about our Classroom and Research Facilities. A FEW days and times are still available. If you have any questions, please contact us at
(In-Person with Tour Option)
Psychology Building PS
Room 6
1835 Neil Ave
Columbus, OH 43210
Building and Parking Info:
*parking is at visitor's expense
(Online via Zoom Option)
Zoom Link:
Passcode: Neuro
Register for your Open House Below ↓↓↓↓