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The Neuroscience Major and Minor offer the chance to work on cutting edge research projects with Ohio State faculty. As an undergraduate researcher, you can participate in each phase of standard research activity: developing research plans with a professor, conducting research, analyzing data, and even presenting research results in oral and written form. 

Under Construction Picture

You can participate in neuroscience research during the academic year, as well as over the summer, and research can be done in any neuroscience-related lab that is willing and able to take on an undergraduate. Research projects can be as short as one term, or can continue for a year or more. Undergraduate researchers gain important hands-on experience that applies directly to careers after graduation and as graduate and professional students.

  • How many credit hours of 4998 do I get for conducting research in a lab?   Usually students get about 1 credit hour of research credit for every 3 hours of work per week for the semester (about 15 weeks).  For example, most students work about 9 hours a week in the lab during the semester, so they would be able to enroll in 3 credit hours of 4998 research.  


Information for Undergraduates

To officially enroll in 4998, you will follow the steps below

  • Your PI/ Professor is responsible for filling out the “Course Information and Action” section of the form.
  • Your PI/Professor is exclusively responsible for entering in the credit hours, the class number, and the signature on the form as well as checking off “Entering a course requiring permission” as the action:
  • You can then drop off your completed form to the Neuro Advising Office *no appointment necessary, email an electronic copy to neuroadvising@osu.edu or email it directly to their Neuroscience Advisor. 
  • As a student working in a research laboratory you should be given course credit or payment for your time in the lab. 
  • Most students will receive 1 credit hour for each 3 hours of work completed in the lab for the entire semester. On average, students will receive 3 credit hours of research for 9 hours spent in the lab each week for the entire semester. The decided credit hours are a discussion between you and your PI/Professor.
  • If you have been offered course credit to work in a PI’s lab, you will need to enroll in “Undergraduate Research Credit”, this is signified by the course 4998. 
  • Explore the latest discoveries in the field of neuroscience in a new and exciting way.
  • Use research as a way to prepare for graduate or medical school, or learn skills for the workforce.
  • Get to know faculty, researchers, graduate students, and other undergraduates who share similar academic and career interests. Developing these connections can help you get strong reference letters
  • Apply what you have learned in the classroom to real-world problems.
  • Your PI/Faculty will have a CLASS NUMBER for their 4998 Research Course.  The CLASS NUMBER is found in their "Faculty Center."  It is the 4-5 digit number located in the parentheses.  Make sure to work with your PI/Faculty to get this number for the Course Enrollment Form. 

Information for PI's

  • All students conducting research in your laboratory should be given course credit or payment for their time in the lab. 
  • All the information needed to enroll a student in your 4998 course can be found in the Faculty Center.
  • All faculty members are responsible for direct contact hours with the students working in their lab. This is represented by the credit hours you will be listed on the course enrollment form. Most students will receive 1 credit hour for each 3 hours of work completed in the lab for the entire semester. On average, students will receive 3 credit hours of research for 9 hours spent in the lab each week for the entire semester. The decided credit hours are a discussion between each student and their PI.
  • If you give permission to students to work in your lab for course credit, students will need to enroll in “Undergraduate Research Credit”, this is signified by the course 4998. Each course has an associated class number (this is the 4-5 digit number in the parenthesis found in your Faculty Center). This unique class number changes each semester.
  • It prevents erroneous enrollment into your research course. 
  • It prevents students who transitioned out of your lab back into your course. 
  • It is another way to verify that you (the PI) have given a student direct permission to enter into your lab course. 
  • You will need to reach out to your Department’s Course Scheduler to create a 4998 course. *Keep in mind you will do this for each semester you plan to have students working in your lab for course credit. 
  • If you do not know who your Department’s Course Scheduler is, you will need you contact your Department’s Chair or Vice Chair. 

To officially enroll in 4998, students will follow the steps below

  • Download an OSU course enrollment permission form found on the registrar’s website.
  • The student will complete the “Student Information” section of the form:
  • You are responsible for filling out the “Course Information and Action” section of the form.
  • You are is exclusively responsible for entering in the credit hours, the class number (found within the Faculty Center) and the signature on the form as well as checking off “Entering a course requiring permission” as the action:
  • Students can then drop off their form to the Neuro Advising Office *no appointment necessary, email an electronic copy to neuroadvising@osu.edu or email it directly to their Neuroscience Advisor.